In a matter of a few months I’ve done and achieve things that I would never thought to be possible. Things that if it was told to be done last year, I would surely said it to be impossible. But are all happening so quickly that at times I felt like I was robbed from even taking a quick moment to take a huge breath of relief. Before I knew it, it’s october again and I’m turning another year older. This year I’ve made and lost friends, made music and perfromed them, I learned how to control my parental guilt, and I’ve fallen in love. At 33 life had given me so many surprises that made me believed that anything is possible. All the doubts and fears that I used to have are being put to the forfront and challanged. Honestly this is the only time in my life that I feel like I want to look forward to for more. What more life could offer? What more there is to feel? What more pain I could handle? What will be me?


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